“A Journey of Words: From First Steps to Uncharted Horizons”

“Tracing the Arc of Creative Voice, Themes, and Perspective from a First Piece to the Present”

Jananan Sandajeshan
3 min readAug 20, 2023

I remember the first piece I ever wrote vividly, as if it were yesterday. I was a wide-eyed twelve-year-old, armed with a notebook and a pencil, ready to embark on a literary adventure. The piece was a short story titled “The Lost Star,” a tale of a young star who fell from the sky and embarked on a quest to find its way back home. Looking back now, that piece represents not just the beginning of my writing journey, but also a snapshot of my nascent creative voice and the dreams that fueled my imagination.

“The Lost Star” was a product of youthful wonder and a heart brimming with boundless curiosity. In those early days, my writing was infused with innocence and a genuine desire to explore the unknown. The story was simple, its prose unpolished, yet it was filled with a sense of magic that only a child’s mind could conjure. I poured my heart into crafting the star’s adventures, weaving a tapestry of encounters with talking animals, enchanted forests, and distant galaxies.

The story’s underlying theme was one of yearning — the star’s yearning for home, for belonging, and for the comforting embrace of familiar constellations. It was a theme that, unbeknownst to me at the time, would weave its way into much of my later work. The star’s journey mirrored my own desire to explore uncharted horizons, to understand the world and my place within it. Through that story, I discovered the profound ability of words to paint landscapes of emotion, to ignite empathy, and to bridge the gap between reality and imagination.

Fast forward to the present, and my writing style and perspective have undergone a metamorphosis. The innocence of my early writing has evolved into a more nuanced understanding of storytelling. I’ve ventured beyond the realms of talking animals and enchanted forests, delving into complex characters, intricate plot structures, and themes that echo the multifaceted nature of human existence.

My voice has matured, as well. I’ve learned the power of brevity and the art of choosing words that pack a punch. I’ve embraced experimentation, from poetic prose to unconventional narrative forms, allowing my writing to adapt to the needs of each story. While my storytelling has become more refined, I still strive to infuse it with the same sense of wonder that propelled me as a young writer.

Themes that once lay dormant have now become central to my work. The yearning for belonging and connection, explored through characters’ personal journeys, has become a recurrent motif. But now, it’s coupled with an awareness of the complexities of human relationships, the shades of gray that exist within every story. My writing has grown to encompass a broader emotional spectrum, delving into not just the highs of discovery, but also the lows of heartache, loss, and redemption.

While “The Lost Star” may appear simple in hindsight, it laid the foundation for my evolution as a writer. It ignited a spark that has only grown stronger with time — a dedication to storytelling that is rooted in both vulnerability and courage. Writing is no longer just an act of exploration; it’s a deliberate journey of introspection and expression, a means to navigate the labyrinth of emotions and experiences that shape our lives.

Looking back at that first piece, I’m reminded of the unbridled joy of creation, the thrill of molding words into a world of my own making. It’s a reminder that every writer starts somewhere — with a first piece that captures a snapshot of their creative soul. As I continue to pen stories, poems, and essays, I carry with me the essence of that wide-eyed twelve-year-old, infusing my work with a sense of wonder and a belief in the transformative power of words.

In this ever-evolving journey, I celebrate not just how far I’ve come, but also the uncharted horizons that stretch before me. With each story I write, I’m reminded that writing is not just a craft; it’s a journey of growth, self-discovery, and an unending exploration of the human experience.



Jananan Sandajeshan

As a book reviewer and writer, I am dedicated to sharing my love of literature with others.