How a Simple Piece of Advice Changed a Life

Embracing Self-Acceptance and Overcoming Anxiety and Self-Doubt

Jananan Sandajeshan
3 min readJul 17, 2023

One small moment that had a big impact on my friend’s life was during her senior year of high school. She had been struggling with anxiety and self-doubt throughout her entire academic career, and it was starting to take a toll on her mental health and academic performance.

One day, she was feeling particularly overwhelmed and decided to confide in her English teacher. She expected a sympathetic ear and some kind words of encouragement, but what she received was so much more.

Her teacher not only listened to her concerns but also gave her a simple yet profound piece of advice that would change the way she approached life: “You don’t have to be perfect, you just have to be yourself.”

At first, my friend didn’t think much of this advice. It seemed too simple, too easy. But as she reflected on it more, she realized that she had been striving for perfection her entire life, always comparing herself to others and never feeling like she measured up.

This small moment and piece of advice completely shifted her perspective. She began to accept herself for who she was, imperfections and all, and started to approach life with a newfound confidence and self-assurance. Her anxiety diminished, and she started to excel academically and socially.

That one small moment of advice from her teacher had a profound impact on my friend’s life. It taught her the value of self-acceptance and self-love and helped her overcome her struggles with anxiety and self-doubt. It also taught her the power of a single moment and a simple piece of advice, and how they can completely transform someone’s life.

As my friend continued on her journey of self-discovery and acceptance, she found that her newfound confidence and self-assurance spilled over into other areas of her life as well. She started to speak up more in class, express her opinions, and take on leadership roles in extracurricular activities.

Her relationships with her family and friends also improved. She no longer felt the need to constantly compare herself to others and measure her self-worth based on their opinions. Instead, she was able to focus on building meaningful connections and being true to herself.

After graduating from high school, my friend went on to attend a top university and pursued a degree in psychology. She was inspired by her own experiences with anxiety and self-doubt and wanted to help others who were going through similar struggles.

She started volunteering at a local mental health clinic and eventually landed a job as a therapist. Her own experiences gave her a unique perspective and allowed her to connect with her clients on a deeper level.

Looking back, my friend often thinks about that one small moment with her English teacher and how it changed the course of her life. She is grateful for the wisdom and compassion that her teacher showed her and believes that she would not be where she is today without her.

This story highlights the power of kindness and compassion, and how a small moment can have a lasting impact. It also emphasizes the importance of self-acceptance and the role it plays in our overall well-being. By embracing our imperfections and being true to ourselves, we can find happiness and fulfillment in life.



Jananan Sandajeshan

As a book reviewer and writer, I am dedicated to sharing my love of literature with others.